'Holy Week' Tagged Posts
Holy Week in Beckford Parish
COMMUNITY LENT SERVICE, Tuesday April 4, noon Woodstock United Methodist Church MAUNDY THURSDAY, April 6, 7 p.m. St. Andrew’s in Mt. Jackson Holy Eucharist with Foot Washing and Stripping of the Altar GOOD FRIDAY, April 7: noon at St. Andrew’s (Mt. Jackson) and 7 p.m. at Emmanuel (Woodstock) Good Friday Liturgy with Communion from the Reserve Sacrament EASTER VIGIL, April 8, 7:30 p.m., Emmanuel (Woodstock Kindling of the new Easter fire, celebrating Christ’s resurrection. Experience the beauty…
Egeria’s Travels
For many Episcopalians celebrating Holy Week—the seven-day period preceding Easter—it’s hard to imagine Palm Sunday without a procession of palms or Good Friday without the adoration of the cross, and for many, the first celebration of Jesus’ resurrection at the Easter Vigil, celebrated after sunset on the eve of Easter Day. Who is responsible for conveying to the early Church what we know about the celebrations of Holy Week, celebrations that date back fourth and/or early fifth century in ancient…