

When two or three are gathered

As Christians, we believe that fellowship—being together to share interests and support each other in our lives and in our faith—is foundational to the church experience and was modeled by Jesus during his life and ministry. Episcopalians use anything as an excuse to get together, especially when food is involved. The planning and preparation of these times together is a ministry itself. Thanks to those coordinators and cooks, our time together is always filled with plenty of delicious food while we enjoy one another’s company. If you can help with this ministry, please contact our parish administrator and she’ll connect you with the right people to match your interests.

Pot luck meals

Sometimes everyone is asked to bring something for a potluck meal. This may be in conjunction with an annual meeting, a joint service, a stewardship campaign, or just because. Bringing something is not required, and no one ever goes away hungry.

Community meals

Parish lifePart fellowship and part outreach, both churches have community meals to feed parishioners and visitors as well as to foster fellowship.

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Suppers

Both churches have celebrated Shrove Tuesday—the day before Lent begins—with a pancake supper that usually also includes sausage and apples or applesauce.

Gathering to serve

Many of our parish outreach activities are also times of happy fellowship for those who come to help and experience the satisfaction and joy of giving and working together.