What to Expect When You Visit

What to Expect When You Visit

Currently, we offer both live-streamed and in-person services. Find out more about services.

Everyone is welcome, always

We are all friendly people who know that visiting any church for the first time can be a little intimidating.  Everything from knowing where to sit to the language of our services can make it all too easy to feel a bit lost.  We don’t want to pounce on you, but we certainly don’t want you to feel alone in our churches! Don’t hesitate to ask questions of anyone around you. You are welcome in our churches, no matter your age, gender or ability, if you’re alone or with a friend or family, just passing through or looking for a new church home.

What to Wear

We all know that God doesn’t care what we wear as long as we enter God’s house respectfully with a heart for worship and a longing to be closer to God. Dress up or come as you are. No matter what you wear, you’re welcome in God’s house. In case you’re a detail-oriented person, here’s the scoop: At any of our services, you’re likely to find folks wearing everything from jeans and sandals to suits and heels. The most common attire you’ll find will be “nice casual.”  Please remember to bring your mask as they must be worn at all times in the building.

Where to Park & Enter

At St. Andrew’s, the parking lot driveway is just prior to the church if you’re traveling south on Rt. 11. At Emmanuel, there is a lot to the left of the church. You may also park in the new Woodstock lot that is behind the church or on the street. Both lots offer handicap spaces.

For those with physical disabilities, the back doors at St. Andrew’s or ramp nearest the parking lot at Emmanuel are helpful. Your first encounter is likely to be with one of our ushers.  These friendly folks are dedicated to the ministry of hospitality.  At the least, they bid you good morning, hand you a service bulletin, and direct you to the nave for worship. There are no reserved seats, you are welcome to sit where ever you’d like, skipping rows that are closed for COVID safety.

Welcoming Children, Families & those with Disabilities

Children and infants are always welcome during worship. We love their sounds and outbursts! For kiddos who are interested, we have activity tote bags containing some items that your kiddos might enjoy. If you didn’t see them when you came in, just ask an usher.

Children are invited to the Lord’s Table (the altar during Holy Communion/Eucharist)) at your discretion.  If your kiddo does not receive the bread and wine, they may come to the altar rail to receive a blessing.  To indicate their desire to be blessed, please have your children cross their arms over their chest. 

Children with disabilities are absolutely welcome! We understand that some kiddos (and parents) may need extra support so do our best to provide a positive environment. For those who may become overwhelmed during the service, we have wifi available for electronic devices (please use headphones) and a quiet area just outside the sanctuary in the parish hall for them to take a sensory break. If your kiddo feels moved to join Mother Kathy at the altar during the service, they’re welcome to stand or sit quietly by her. Both parish halls and sanctuaries are handicap accessible via ramp. We are happy to answer any questions you may have before coming in order to make your and your kiddo’s visit easier! Our administrator is experienced with people who are autistic, have anxiety and/or ADHD, so whether you have 1 question or 10 (or 20), she understands that for some folks planning ahead is a must. You can send her a message through the Contact tab above. 

Worshipping together

As you enter the nave, you’ll be greeted by an atmosphere of worship and reverence. We recognize that many of our parishioners have just completed a frantic, minor miracle in making it to the service at all. This quiet calm before a service is an opportunity to re-focus on the big picture and prepare oneself for group worship. 

A typical Episcopal Sunday service has two parts: the Word and Communion.  The Word is where we hear Scripture readings, say our prayers, and listen to  the sermon.  Communion — also known as Holy Communion or Eucharist — is where we share the bread and wine as Jesus commanded us to do before he died. 

The service follows an order found in the Book of Common Prayer (BCP), two-thirds of which is scriptural. Every worship service includes the reading of Holy Scripture from the Old and New Testaments. Many of our prayers and hymns are filled with scripture. The BCP allows everyone to participate, reminding us that each person is an important part of the worship experience. You’ll find a copy of the BCP along with a hymnal in each pew.

Stand, Sit, or Kneel

Throughout the service, we both stand and kneel to assist in the physical act of worship. If you’re new to the Episcopal tradition, a simple guide is to just follow the folks next to you.  Practices vary – even among individual parishioners. The general rules are: 

  • Stand for singing, affirming the Creed, reading the Gospel, and during certain prayers. 
  • Sit during readings from the Old Testament or New Testament letters, the sermons, and the choir anthems. 
  • As you are able, kneel during certain prayers or as an act of humility before God. 
Holy Communion

All baptized Christians —  regardless of denomination — are welcome to receive communion (Holy Eucharist) with the congregation. Episcopalians invite all baptized people to receive the bread and wine, not because we take the Eucharist lightly, but because we take our baptism so seriously.

Come forward to the altar rail as the ushers direct you and take the next available place. You may kneel or stand as you are able or prefer. Receive the communion bread from the priest in your open right palm. Currently, we are doing communion of one kind. When we do use wine as well, you may choose to receive the wine directly from the cup/chalice by gently guiding it to your lips as the Eucharistic minister presents it to you, or you may “intinct,” or dip the bread into the wine before putting it in your mouth. 

If you prefer not to receive communion, you may still come forward to receive a blessing. To indicate your desire to be blessed, please cross your arms over your chest.

If it is physically difficult for you to come to the altar rail, please indicate this to an usher and Mother Kathy will bring communion to you in your seat. 

As mentioned above, children are welcome at the Lord’s Table and to receive communion at their parents’ discretion.  If your child prefers a blessing, please have your children cross their arms over their chest. 

Coffee Hour

After the service, Mother Kathy greets you in the back of the church as you leave. Unfortunately, coffee hours are currently suspended in order to follow COVID safety measures. 

When they are happening, we hope you’ll join us for Coffee Hour in our parish hall (our members are known for a delicious spread). We’d love the chance to get to know you better, regardless of whether you’re just passing through, only visiting, or church-shopping. If you have questions, please feel free to ask anyone or send us a message after!