Getting out into the community to help make local events fun, and memorable experiences for our neighbors is a highlight of life with Historic Beckford Parish. Every year, the adults get as excited about the events as the kids do!
Community Worship Services
The congregations of Historic Beckford Parish support various ecumenical efforts by the Shenandoah County Ministerial Association such as their Community Advent Series, Community Lenten series, and various other community-wide efforts.
Light Up Woodstock
We’re known as the cookie and hot chocolate folks as we provide and serve hot chocolate and cookies for the Town of Woodstock’s annual Christmas event. It’s a wonderful way to increase visibility for our churches and show the community how much we love them. Plus, we have a prime spot to watch the parade!
Halloween on Court Square
We provide food and beverages for all the trick-or-treaters —young and old— who come out for the Town of Woodstock’s Halloween celebration. Since the event is on Court Square, we set up right outside Emmanuel. The event is usually the last Saturday in October. Our parish administrator, Melissa Sorokas, is the point person, so let her know if you can help.