Serving God in our worship services (also called Liturgical Ministries)
If you are interested in knowing more about any of these ministries, please speak with the rector to find out about requirements and training. We welcome more help in each of these areas.
Music Ministry
Our services have hymns and service music traditional to the Episcopal Church. We have two hymn books: The 1987 “Blue” hymnal and the Lift Every Voice and Sing hymnal with traditional gospel and American heritage hymns.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs)
Acolytes are volunteers who may serve the priest in many roles, depending on the type of service or the preferences of the minister: crucifer, torchbearer, lighter of candles, thurifer, or banner-bearer.
Altar Guild
Working in teams, the altar guild volunteers prepare the altar for all regular and special services, making sure the flowers and hangings are appropriate for the season and that the altar is set up properly for the particular liturgy (communion or otherwise). They also put the hangings and vessels away after each service. The Sacristans serve a crucial role in this ministry by laundering and ironing the altar linens.
Volunteer readers come up to the lectern to read Scripture as called for in the Revised Common Lectionary for each service. This typically consists of an Old Testament Reading, a psalm, and a New Testament reading.
These are the friendly folks who greet you when you enter the church. Besides helping newcomers, they hand out bulletins, pass the offering plate, provide guidance for when to go up to the altar during the communion, and straighten the pews and cushions after each service.