'GAP' Tagged Posts

'GAP' Tagged Posts

children and grandparents collage

GAP February 2024 Meeting

GAP MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2024 MEETING at Emmanuel The Episcopal Churches of Shenandoah County: Beckford Parish, 122 East Court Street, Woodstock. A Carry-In Finger Foods Meal will start at 6:15, contact Donna Lambert Barnes. 7:00 Children’s Time in the Social Hall and GAP G’PARENTS Meeting in the Sanctuary. Darla Sue Moomaw will be with the G’children for crafts, games, etc., Our speaker will be the wonderful Shannon Urum and she will finish her presentation on Children’s Trauma Effects in their lives, Part II. We all learned…

Christmas Thank You Letter From GAP

Click the link below to read or download: GAP CHRISTMAS THANK YOU LETTER 2020 The summary at the end: “What I want to convey is that every penny goes to these GAP families in a variety of ways too numerous to mention. People share many, many different items and God is leading this group in ways I can’t even explain to you. But, we ARE doing the Lord’s business and we are helping those in magnificent need. I am working…