Word is spreading!
May 1st Pantry activity saw 23 households representing 63, a new record! Of those, 5 households were first timers, confirmation that the work is well received and the word spreading. Woodstock neighbors continue to lend helping hands: Family Promise donated (and delivered!) cases and cases of toilet paper, dentist Sandra Drake donated two huge boxes of toothbrushes, toothpaste, and floss, Joe’s Steakhouse gave us emergency space in their freezer. Several volunteers from other churches including a family of homeschooled children regularly show up and cheerfully do whatever is needed.
But without the backbone of YOU parishoners, we would not have started nor been able to function.
We still need help
Thank you for all you’ve done and continue to do! Of course the more always the merrier for weekly activities. Here are some ways you might want to join in:
1. Retrieving orders from Blue Ridge Area Foodbank in Winchester (usually Monday afternoons).
2. Unloading and restocking shelves (usually Monday afternoons).
3. Taking a shift during Pantry hours 9am-noon Tuesdays.
4. Taking inventory at the Pantry after it closes Tuesdays.
5. Reordering online from Blue Ridge Area Food Bank.
And more Good News!
We’ve been awarded a new commercial upright freezer from BRAFB which will be delivered sometime this month. It hardly seems possible we’ve been open less than a year. We knew, in theory, there was a food stability need in our community. Now we are getting to know names and faces. Thank you, Lord, for giving us a way we can meaningfully walk alongside those who are… us!