Parish Life and News (Page 43)

Parish Life and News (Page 43)

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Potluck Dinner

Don’t Miss Our Churches’ Annual Meetings and Potluck Meals

Annual meetings—annual updates These meetings are not only for electing Vestry members, but you’ll also hear reports from your church leaders about what’s going on and any plans for the next year. You can also ask questions. For the potluck meals at each church, please bring your favorite dish, but if you’re not up to that, come anyway! We want everyone to participate in the life of our parish. St. Andrew’s Annual Meeting Sunday, January 21 at 4:30pm with potluck…
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Logo

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Group To Meet At Emmanuel

Join us on Monday, January 22, 2018 at Emmanuel Episcopal Church at 6:30 PM for a light dinner and an informational meeting to talk about organizing a group in Shenandoah County that can provide support for Grandparents raising their Grandchildren (or extended family raising children)!   This first meeting is to work out the details of the group to include a place to meet monthly, childcare options, guest speakers, and potential sponsors. It is our hope to host a monthly, meeting starting in February or March that…
The Giving Tree

The Giving Tree of Beckford Parish

The Giving Tree of Beckford Parish will be set up in the Emmanuel Parish Hall  * Each Christmas Ornament Tag on the tree indicates one request from a child in the Shenandoah County Department of Social Services. * Select as many as you wish and sign the clipboard with the child’s name so we know who got whom.  Please bring back the wrapped gift with the ornament tag on it by December 12.   * If you do not have time…
Welcome Rev Kathleen Murray

Welcome Rev. Kathleen Murray

The Episcopal churches of Shenandoah County— Emmanuel in Woodstock and St. Andrew’s in Mount Jackson—are very pleased to announce that the Rev. Kathleen Murray has accepted a call to be our next rector. She started her ministry on November 1. She comes to us from New Jersey where she has been Priest-in-Charge at St. Mark’s in Keansburg, NJ. She helped them recover from devastation by Hurricane Sandy, increased overall attendance over the last three years, and oversaw their outreach food…