Daughters of the King

Daughters of the King


A Calling

The Daughters of the King (DOK) is a religious order and sisterhood of women dedicated to a life of Prayer, Service, and Evangelism.

The organization was founded in 1885 and was not only established throughout the United States, but chapters were started overseas in the early 1930s. Beckford Parish’s Joanna Chapter had its beginning on July 27, 2008. You can recognize our members by the special crosses we wear. The cross is a modified Greek Fluery Cross with the Latin inscription Magnanimiter Crucem Sustine meaning, “With heart, mind, and spirit uphold and bear the cross.” At the base of the cross are the letters FHS that stand for the motto of the order, “For His Sake.”

By following our Rule of Prayer and Service we give support and aid to our clergy and parish. We visit the sick, give to our local food banks, provide “grab and go'” bags for transits, sponsor Quiet Days throughout the year, and open Emmanuel Church to everyone on Wednesdays for silent prayer. Whenever we are needed, we assist the Rector with any visitations or ministering for special circumstances.

Do you feel called to dok?

If you are a devout woman, we invite you to consider joining us. Any DOK member would be so happy to speak with you about becoming a member of the Joanna Chapter. If you’d like to explore becoming a member, visit the Daughters of the King website and select “Membership” in the main menu or visit the Become a Member Page.

The Motto of the Order

For His Sake…
I am but one, but I am one.
I cannot do everything, but I can do something.
What I can do, I ought to do.
What I ought to do, by the grace of God I will do.
Lord, what will you have me do?


The gospels tell us that Joanna is a woman who was healed by Jesus and later supported him and his disciples in their travels. The Gospel of Luke records her as one of the women accompanying Jesus and the twelve and a witness to Jesus’ resurrection. She was the wife of Chuza, who managed the household of King Herod Antipas of Galilee. Her name means “Yahweh has been gracious.” It is a variation of the name “Anna” which means “grace” or “favor.”

Joanna is recognized as a saint in the Anglican, Eastern Orthodox, and Roman Catholic traditions.