Weekly Update 4/16

Weekly Update 4/16

Dear St. Andrew’s and Emmanuel family,

There is not any new information to share from Bishop Goff this week. For the moment, we seem to have reached a new “normal” (nothing about this is normal of course) and things are no longer changing as quickly.

I hope you enjoyed the Easter service with the National Cathedral. It is a testament to the fact that we, ourselves, are the church. Despite the difficulties around us, we’re able to adapt and find new ways to join together for support, comfort and worship. 

10:15 a.m. on Zoom and Facebook Live followed by a Coffee Hour on Zoom. (Click the Zoom link to join, the password is embedded. For Facebook Live, click the link to be taken to our Facebook page to view the live stream.) The bulletin is coming soon on our website. Please note the time change: It is has been changed slightly because times on the hour/half hour seem to face more challenges with the live streams being overwhelmed.

So you’re aware, all participants’ video and audio are muted upon logging on to Zoom in order to eliminate outside noise. You’re welcome to share the Zoom information with friends and family, but please do not share it publicly so that we can maintain security. Anyone is always welcome to attend via Facebook Live.

Please be aware that we are doing our best — Audio and video may not always be as clear as we’d like, delays may occur and last minute changes to fix unexpected issues do occur. We’re all doing our best with what is available during a situation we never anticipated to be in.


Every week, I am leading:

Mondays, 9 a.m. Morning prayer on Zoom and Facebook Live
Tuesdays, 5:30 p.m. Evening prayer on Zoom and Facebook Live
Wednesdays, 12 p.m. Noonday prayer on Zoom and  Facebook Live 
Fridays, 7:30 p.m. Bedtime story with Mother Kathy, invite your friends! Zoom and Facebook Live  

I am holding virtual drop-in office hours every Thursday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Zoom. Pop in to say hi, chat or ask any questions you may have. 

Every Thursday, 2 to 3 p.m., the kids of the parish are meeting up via Zoom to hang out together.

The new 2020 directory is available on our website. Printed copies will be available later, once the offices are reopened. To download the PDF, a password is needed. It was included in the Weekly Update email.


If you haven’t joined yet, please check out the Facebook group Melissa has set up for parishioners so that we may go there to share recipes, amusing anecdotes, prayers, calming photos, support, resources — the types of things we share in person. To join the group, click on this link, click “join group,” answer the security questions and submit. Melissa or I will then approve and you can begin posting. You must have a Facebook account to join the group.


The vestries and I thank everyone for sending in your pledges so that we can continue to fulfill our mission as the church and exemplifying Christ’s love for the world. Please continue to send pledges, either via mail to churches or electronically (remembering to include in the memo the church’s name and location). Mailing directly to the church is preferred, but please do whatever is easiest for you. You are appreciated!

Emmanuel Episcopal 122 E. Court Woodstock VA 22664
St. Andrew’s Episcopal P.O. BOx 117 Mt. Jackson, VA 22842


For those sewing masks, if you are able, Emmanuel’s Table Food Pantry would appreciate any donations you can spare to distribute masks to pantry clients. We understand that the primary focus at this time is those health care workers on the front lines, so appreciate this may not be possible. If you have any to donate, they can be dropped off in a bag at the office door at Emmanuel. The pantry volunteers can pick them up Mondays or Tuesday afternoons to distribute in the food packages.

I encourage folks to utilize grocery pickup. In our area, Walmart offers curbside pickup through their grocery app. Going farther out, Martin’s and Aldi are offering pickup as well. To help our local restaurants, please consider using curbside pickup to show your support. Many are offering this service, including some who provide meals that last multiple days. When you do go out for essentials, remember to wear your mask, covering mouth and nose! 

If you know someone facing an urgent issue shopping, please let me or Melissa know. 


If you are facing hardship accessing food but are hesitant to use the food pantry for whatever reason, please reach out to me, Melissa or one of the wardens privately. We can arrange for you to receive pantry assistance in a more private way than the usual Tuesday pickup.

The pantry fed 262 people (78 families) this week. The need for the pantry continues to abound — we served 18 new families this week alone. Next Tuesday, it is open at the usual 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. with the modified process we have implemented. If you know of anyone in need, please share the information with them. Folks are welcome to make pickups at the pantry for others who can’t get out. The person picking up only the name of the person they’re picking up for and number of people in the family.


Melissa and I are both working from home for the foreseeable future so are not going in to either office. You may contact us via email. For urgent pastoral matters only, call my cell phone.

Keep in mind, I observe the Sabbath Friday and Saturday while Melissa is off Thursday after 1:30 p.m., Friday, Saturday and Sunday. So, we may not reply until Monday. We promise we are not ignoring you, care very much about everyone, miss you all, and will respond.


For now, the prayer list can be found online (scroll to the bottom of the page). Melissa is updating it as names are added or removed so it stays current.

I hope you are personally adjusting and have been able to find a sense of peace and calm among the uncertainty. This crisis has shown us that despite uncertainty in the world, our parish is able to find positivity and hope while supporting one another. Thank you for continuing to be the church.

Mother Kathy+

Visit our website for an archive of all COVID-19 info and weekly update emails.