Weekly Update 3/26

Weekly Update 3/26

Dear Friends in Christ,

On the weekly meeting with Bishop Goff, she advised us that in-person church worship suspension is further extended through May 8. This is a moving date that I expect may be pushed out further. Rest assured, we we will find ways to be together during this time. 

I attended a meeting this week on conducting virtual Holy Week services. We absolutely are gathering to worship together virtually throughout Holy Week. Specific details are coming in next week’s Weekly Update. Stay tuned!

Sunday Virtual Worship and Coffee Hour
On an average Sunday, we have about 70 to 75 attendees. Last Sunday’s service had 233 views so far! As some families watch together, it is likely the number of people we reached is even higher. I hope that the services are a comfort to those joining in and that they help each of us to feel connected, supported and loved by God and one another.

We are virtually worshiping this Sunday at 10 a.m. via Zoom (the link was emailed to parishioners) and Facebook Live. Melissa has updated the website with tips on how to use Zoom to make the service and Coffee Hour after go more smoothly for everyone. Please take a look and let her know if you have questions or need help. 

Please invite any friends or family to attend via Facebook Live (please share via social media so more can attend!) We are keeping the Coffee Hour after to parishioners only so that everyone can feel able to speak and ask questions freely without privacy concerns.

I am encouraging all parishioners to go online – join Facebook and follow our page, set up a free Zoom account and of course, check our website. It is vitally important that we maintain our strong relationships during this trying period so that we may come through it even stronger than before.

Sunday bulletins are going to be posted to our website prior to the service. When it is available, there will be a post on Facebook.

Other Ways to Connect 
Tomorrow (Friday) at 7:30 p.m., I am reading a bed time story on Facebook Live. It is a chance for us to take a moment to enjoy simple things, so I hope you’ll hop on to listen.

Every week, I am leading:

Morning Prayer, Sunday at 10 a.m.
Morning Prayer, Monday at 9 a.m.
Evening Prayer, Tuesday at 5:30 p.m.
Noonday Prayer, Wednesday at 12 p.m.
Bed Time Story, Friday at 7:30 p.m.

Please remember send to Melissa your favorite piece of scripture, hymn or psalm. We’ll share any that are suggested in the Weekly Update. 

Thank you to everyone who has sent in their pledge! Please continue to do so, either via mail or electronically (remembering to include in the memo the church’s name and location). Mailing directly to the church is preferred, but please do whatever is easiest for you. Without your support, we wouldn’t be able to continue church operation.

Help Shopping
If you need help with shopping, or know another parishioner who does, please let Melissa or myself know so that we can arrange with a volunteer for them to get what is needed. Please stay safe, remembering to wash hands often and staying in except for vital errands. If you are high risk or don’t feel safe, don’t hesitate to reach out. We are in this together!

Food Pantry Update
The pantry fed 173 people (48 families) this week. Bishop Goff even gave us a shout out for this ministry work during this week’s meeting! Thank you to Jonathan and Alice for continuing to keep the pantry open, and to the Manning and Walsh families (community members) who have graciously stepped in to assist so that our parish volunteers can remain safe when it is most needed. The pantry is scheduled to open again this Tuesday at the usual time with the modified process. The plan is to have it open every Tuesday as long as it is possible. Thank you to Jonathan who arranged it so that pantry guests can now receive updates on the pantry via text.

Contacting Melissa and Me
A quick reminder that I am working out of St. Andrew’s while Melissa works from home. Please continue to use email to contact us, unless it is a pastoral emergency, in which case call my cell phone. I ask that you refrain from going to either church during this time so that we can reduce the chance of possible exposure to COVID-19

Prayer List
For now, the prayer list can be found online (scroll to the bottom of the page). Melissa is updating it as names are added or removed so it stays current.

Mother Kathy+

Visit our website for an archive of all COVID-19 info and weekly update emails.