'Love Wins' Tagged Posts
Book Discussion: What Is The Bible? by Rob Bell
Emmanuel parishioner Bill Scott will lead a discussion on the book, What Is The Bible written by author and pastor, Rob Bell. Join us as we explore the transformative power of the Bible in our lives and how it can inspire us to live with greater purpose and meaning. We are discussing “What is the Bible” by Rob Bell. In this book, Bell challenges traditional interpretations of the Bible and invites readers to explore the text in new ways. He encourages us…
Book Discussion: Love Wins by Rob Bell
Emmanuel parishioner Bill Scott will lead a discussion on the book, Love Wins written by author and pastor, Rob Bell. “Millions of Christians have struggled with how to reconcile God’s love and God’s judgment: Has God created billions of people over thousands of years only to select a few to go to heaven and everyone else to suffer forever in hell? Is this acceptable to God? How is this “good news”? Troubling questions–so troubling that many have lost their faith…