Sermons on Matthew/Mateo

Sermons on Matthew/Mateo

Open Bible

“Daring to Hope: Singing in the Dark”- The Fourth Sunday of Advent, Year C

The Fourth Sunday of Advent, Year C December 22, 2024                                                                                              Micah 5:2-5a, Canticle 15,  Hebrews 10:5-10, Luke 1:39-55   +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ “Daring to Hope: Singing in the Dark” The Very Rev. Kathleen Murray, Rector  Historic…
Open Bible

“Preparing the Way: The Refining Work of Advent”- The Second Sunday of Advent, Year C

The Second Sunday of Advent, Year C December 8, 2024                                                                                                  Malachi 3:1-4, Canticle 16, Philippians 1:3-11, Luke 3:1-6   +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ “Preparing the Way: The Refining Work of Advent” The Very Rev. Kathleen Murray,…
Open Bible

“Ashes of Love: Finding Renewal in Lent and Valentine’s Day”- Ash Wednesday

Year B, Ash Wednesday February 14, 2024                                                                                                              Joel 2:1-2, 12-17, Psalm 103, 2 Corinthians 5:20b-6:10, Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ “Ashes of Love: Finding Renewal in Lent and Valentine’s Day” The Very Reverend…