March 23, 2023
Grace and peace to you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! As we draw near to Palm Sunday and Holy Week, I invite you to join us in celebrating and reflecting upon these sacred days. Holy Week is important to Episcopalians, as it is for Christians of many denominations because it allows us to enter into the heart of their faith by commemorating the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
On Palm Sunday, we commemorate Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem, when people welcomed Him by waving palm branches and shouting “Hosanna!”
According to Egeria, a fourth-century Christian pilgrim who documented her travels to the Holy Land, Holy Week was already a significant period of devotion and reflection for early Christians. Her descriptions of the liturgical practices and processions in Jerusalem provide a vivid glimpse into the origins of the events we continue to observe today.
For Episcopalians, the observance of Holy Week is a time for deep reflection, prayer, and worship, enabling them to participate in the story of their salvation. Here are some reasons why Holy Week is particularly important:
- Liturgical richness: We place great emphasis on liturgy and sacraments. The services and rituals during Holy Week, including Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil, and Easter Sunday, offer a rich and moving liturgical experience that deepens our faith.
- Connection to the global Anglican Communion: Observing Holy Week allows Episcopalians to join with our brothers and sisters in the worldwide Anglican Communion, fostering a sense of unity and shared spiritual experience.
- Emphasis on the Incarnation: The Episcopal Church places great importance on the doctrine of the Incarnation, the belief that Jesus Christ is both fully human and fully divine. Holy Week provides an opportunity to contemplate the fullness of Christ’s humanity and divinity through His passion, death, and resurrection.
- Spiritual renewal: The observance of Holy Week provides a focused time for repentance, reflection, and growth in faith. This period invites us to examine our lives in light of Christ’s sacrifice and to renew our commitment to following Him.
- Celebration of the Resurrection: The climax of Holy Week is the celebration of Christ’s resurrection on Easter Sunday. Easter Day represents the hope and new life we have in Christ, affirming the core tenet of our faith that Jesus overcame sin and death.
I invite you to join us in the following services:
Maundy Thursday, April 6, 7:00 p.m., Saint Andrew’s
We remember the Last Supper, when Jesus washed His disciples’ feet and instituted the Eucharist. This service reminds us of the humility and love Christ displayed and calls us to serve one another in His name.
Good Friday, April 7, Noon at Saint Andrew’s. 7:00 p.m. at Emmanuel
We observe the crucifixion and death of Jesus on the cross. In this solemn service, we contemplate the great sacrifice made for our redemption and experience the depth of God’s love for us.
Easter Vigil, April 8, 7:30 p.m. We gather in anticipation of the Resurrection, as we light the Paschal candle and listen to the story of our salvation. This service bridges the sorrow of Good Friday with the joy of Easter Sunday. We will have the Service of Light and Service of Word.
Easter Sunday, April 9, 8:00 a.m. & 11:15, Emmanuel; 9:15 a.m., Saint Andrew’s
The culmination of Holy Week, we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection from the dead, conquering sin and death. This day is a testament to the hope and new life we have in Christ.
May this time be a source of spiritual renewal and a reminder of the incredible love and grace we have received through Jesus Christ.
Yours in faith,
Mother Kathy
Palm Sunday Readings
Sunday readings are found HERE.
Beckford Blooms for Easter
Help make our churches an even more splendid setting for worship on the day of our Lord’s resurrection.
Please let us know if you would like to donate towards Easter flowers “in honor of” or “in memory of” a special person in your life.
You may send a check to Emmanuel Episcopal Church, 122 E. Court Street, Woodstock, VA, 22664, and write “Easter flowers” in the memo line.
For Saint Andrew’s, please make out a check to the Saint Andrew’s Guild, P.O. Box 117, Mt. Jackson, VA, 22842 and also write “Easter flowers” in the memo line.
We need your help at Emmanuel to help decorate the church for a joyous Easter. Please join Trudy Pence at the church at 9:30 on April 8th to make Emmanuel shine with the colors and symbols of Easter.
Episcopal Relief and Development Lenten Meditations
The Rev. Robin Denney, a parish priest and former missionary focused on agricultural development in Liberia and South Sudan, wrote this year’s meditations. Robin’s reflections are poignant and personal and challenge the reader to consider the question, “Who is my neighbor?” Click here to find the 2023 Lenten Meditations.
Book Discussion after Easter
Emmanuel parishioner Bill Scott will lead a discussion on the book, Love Wins written by author and pastor, Rob Bell.
“Millions of Christians have struggled with how to reconcile God’s love and God’s judgment: Has God created billions of people over thousands of years only to select a few to go to heaven and everyone else to suffer forever in hell? Is this acceptable to God? How is this “good news”?
Troubling questions–so troubling that many have lost their faith because of them. Others only whisper the questions to themselves, fearing or being taught that they might lose their faith and their church if they ask them out loud. But what if these questions trouble us for good reason? What if the story of heaven and hell we have been taught is not, in fact, what the Bible teaches? What if what Jesus meant by heaven, hell, and salvation are very different from how we have come to understand them? What if it is God who wants us to face these questions?
Author, pastor, and innovative teacher Rob Bell presents a deeply biblical vision for rediscovering a richer, grander, truer, and more spiritually satisfying way of understanding heaven, hell, God, Jesus, salvation, and repentance. The result is the discovery that the “good news” is much, much better than we ever imagined.” (Review by Goodreads)
Please look for an announcement of the date and time of this discussion group and reach out to Bill by email to let him know of your interest.
Emmanuel’s Food Table Pantry
Our Food Pantry is open on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month from 10 am to noon. Our next pantry days are April 11 and April 25 from 10 am-noon. Many thanks to all who come and help with the Food Pantry!
Our guests appreciate the “shopping” experience they have had in the past month where they can choose donated items that are not part of our inventory from the Food Bank. A basket is now available in the Emmanuel Parish Hall where you can place donated items. As an example, we recently had instant pudding and a variety of teas. Any non-perishable item will be gratefully received.
Our Massanutten cadets will be on their summer break starting in May. If you know of folks who can pack and carry bags upstairs, please have them contact the office at beckfordarishoffice@gmail.com.
Saint Andrew’s is one of the founding partners of the Open Door Food Pantry in Mount Jackson and the congregation has supported it for many years. There is a basket in Saint Andrew’s Parish Hall where you can put canned goods, especially staples like peanut butter and tuna. Your donations are gratefully received.
The final Community Lent service, sponsored by the Woodstock Ministerial Alliance, will be held on Tuesday, April 4th at the Woodstock United Methodist Church, 156 South Muhlenberg Street, Woodstock. The Lenten Service is at 12 noon followed by lunch afterward at 12:30 p.m. in the EBH fellowship hall. All free will offerings for the service and lunch will be used by the Ministerial Alliance to help people in our community.
4/4 Pastor Keon Huh – Woodstock UMC
Secure your camper’s spot for a great summer on the Mountain. This year’s camps include traditional St. George’s, a new Lil’s Camp for first-time younger campers, and All Saints, where kids choose a specialty area like sports or art. As always, Shrine Mont will host Family Camp (Explorers), The Great, St. Andrew’s, and St. Elizabeth’s. And Senior High Youth Conference is back. https://www.shrinemontcamps.org/
“Camp Curious” at Shrine Mont this summer
There is another very exciting opportunity at Shrine Mont this summer. Shrine Mont is collaborating with the Virginia Association of Teachers of English (VATE) to hold Camp Curious this summer (July 9-14) for rising 3rd-6th grade students. The camp’s mission is to “Infuse struggling readers/writers with the joy and experiences of reading and writing.” Campers will go home with a “tool bag” for good reading and writing strategies. We will also provide students with supplies, books, and family reading and writing ideas. This camp is open to students from Shenandoah, Rockingham and Page counties. Visit “Shrine Mont Camp Curious” for more information.
New Coffee Hour Sign-Up at Emmanuel
Following the 11:15 a.m. service at Emmanuel, there is a simple coffee hour on the second Sunday of each month. Our next coffee hour is scheduled for Easter Sunday on April 12th. You can sign up here COFFEE HOUR SIGN UP. We need two volunteers who together can be responsible for set up, clean up, and bringing cookies or doughnuts for about 15 people.
Palm Sunday: 8 and 11:15* a.m. at Emmanuel, 9:15* a.m. at St. Andrew’s
Maundy Thursday*: 7 p.m. at St. Andrew’s
Good Friday*: 12 p.m. at St. Andrew’s, 7 p.m. at Emmanuel
Easter Vigil (Saturday evening), 7:30 p.m., Emmanuel
Easter Sunday: 8 and 11:15* a.m. at Emmanuel, 9:15* a.m. at St. Andrew’s
* These services stream live on Facebook
Bible Study Holiday Schedule Change
The Southern Shenandoah Regional Bible Study is on hiatus. If there is interest in an in-person Bible study (Zoom participation is also possible), please contact Mother Kathy. Place and time will depend upon expressed interest.
“It’s All About Love” Revival
“It’s All About Love: A Festival for the Jesus Movement”
Mark your calendars to be in Baltimore July 9-12, when all are invited to “It’s All About Love: A Festival for the Jesus Movement.” This church-wide revival will feature worship, learning, network-building, fellowship, and action focused on Evangelism, Reconciliation and Creation Care. It will begin with revival worship on Sunday evening July 9; the closing session will be on Wednesday afternoon July 12.
Stay tuned for registration details. Join in person or host a virtual satellite event in your community. Let’s kick off Presiding Bishop Curry’s final year with a revival that energizes and inspires us all to live and share Jesus’s Way of Love!
Sign up for alerts here. If you have questions, reach out to Jerusalem Greer.
Prayer Requests
One of the greatest gifts we have to offer each other as a parish family is our prayers – for our families, our loved ones, and especially those with whom we struggle. You’re invited to sit with the parish directory and, each day, lift up a section or page of names a day. Let’s continuously hold each other in prayer. Let us pray: God of grace and comfort, enfold our parish members, family and friends, and the whole world, with your mercy. Strengthen each one with a shield of faith and enable them to accept what is to come, heal them and bear their pain, keep them in peace, and fix their hearts on you through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.
Pray for all victims of the earthquake in Syria and Turkey. Please support earthquake assistance through Episcopal Relief and Development.
Pray for victims of gun violence.
Pray for all who have died especially Steven Warren.
Pray for those in need of healing and peace Bryant Kirkland, Scott Chapman, Barbara’s friend, Chris Rush, Ellen Troxell, Tom Mohr, Cliff Yarnell, Eileen McMullin, Sally J., Barbie Kipps, Jennifer Christakes, Daniel, Marvin Jr. and Kathy Bailey, Suzanne Johnston, Chuck, Brenda Adolphson, Linda Clark, Jo Stickley, Tricia, Lucy, Bill, Tom Bond, Buddy and Virginia Tayman, Ted Johnson, Dee Crane, Derek Cole, Kevin McMullin, Polly Armstrong, Kemp Miller, Roe, Horace and Sally Jones, Stephen Randle, Ray Flugel, Ray Smith, Kitty Dawson, Rich Thompson, and Jeff.
Pray for those who care for the sick, physicians and nurses, family and friends Courtney Burgan, Bart Hoffman, Barbara Kirkland, Imogene Poland, Dr. David Repaske, Lisa Repaske, Katie Snyder, Debbie Patton, Brigetta Stewart, Nancy Mohr, Cheryl Phillips and Jessica Smith.
Pray for those members and friends who are not able to be present with us today
Pray for those in the Armed Forces especially Courtney Barrett, Andrew Boggs, Charles Bowman, Corey Brigner, William Byram, Chris Clark, Joseph Cooper, Tom Craig, John L. Curry, John P. Curry, Kenny Detwiler, Ashley Helvack, Cindy Hensley, Daniel Jacobson, Chris McDonald, Danny Mendoza, Christopher Murphy, Adrienne Payne, William Preston, Chris Rogers, Mark Sackett, Scott Samuels, Corey Sherk, Jacob Shifflett, James Stanley, Joshua Sydow, Andrew Weixel, Christopher Whitney, Braxton Swanke, and Michael F. Santucci.
If you have folks you’d like added to the prayer list, please email their names to Mother Kathy. You can use the button below.
4/6 Neil Fadely
4/8 Shelia Helsley
4/8 Sally Jones
4/10 Gail Giles
4/10 Jackie Yarnell
4/14 Elizabeth Cottrell
4/16 Doris Guenther
4/18 Toni Bailey
4/25 Debbie Boyd
We want to celebrate anniversaries in The Beckford Connection. Please get in touch with Mother Kathy if you have an upcoming anniversary.
For submissions to the Beckford Connection, please contact the Rector. If you or someone you know would like to receive the weekly update by regular mail, please let the office know. We will do our best to mail them on the Thursday they are published. If the United States Postal Service cooperates, we hope you receive them no later than Saturday morning.
Sunday through Thursday, 8 p.m. Compline on Facebook Live click here and Zoom click here - WEDNESDAY HEALING EUCHARIST
12 p.m. at Emmanuel - SUNDAY SERVICES
8 a.m. Emmanuel
9:15 a.m. St. Andrew’s and Facebook Live click here
11:15 a.m. Emmanuel and Facebook Live click here
All weekly and Sunday services are available to view on Facebook and our website HERE after the services, when available.
The schedule is available via the link below.
Server Schedule February – May 2023
Contact the Office
Mother Kathy: beckfordrector@gmail.com Office Hours 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday – Thursday.