“There’s power in love. Don’t underestimate it.”
~ Presiding Bishop Michael Curry
Given the trends in the county infection rate, the Delta variant, CDC guidance and other pertinent information, everyone is required to wear masks at services, no matter vaccination status. We are also asking folks to maintain 6 feet of social distancing at all times, including skipping every other pew.
Our goal is to keep one another as safe as we possibly can. We are very concerned about the continued high rates of infection and transmission in ShenCo, combined with a low vaccination rate, and are monitoring the situation very closely. We urge everyone who is eligible to be vaccinated. Please keep an eye on our website and your email in case important updates need to be shared.
Both Emmanuel and Saint Andrew’s have been the recipients of bequests, both large and small, over the years. Sometimes the church is aware that it will happen. Other times, it comes as a welcome surprise as it recently did from the estate of Mary Peebles. Mary’s careful planning of her estate resulted in a very generous gift to Emmanuel.
We offer our sincere gratitude to Mary and Gary for the faith they showed in life and now in death in our mission, church community and the thoughtful stewardship of their bequest.
Melissa Sorokas remembers how Mary was always quick to offer donations whenever a call was put out at Emmanuel, whether it be for cookies for the Christmas parade or bags for use in the food pantry. She’d sneak them in as she never wanted recognition, preferring to help quietly as she could. She was also generous with her time, checking in now and then at the office to be certain all was well. Mary continually showed concern and support for the congregation and our ministries.
The Peebles’ bequest has been placed in the Trustees of the Fund. The rector and vestry plans to seek the input of parishioners on how best to honor Mary and Gary Peebles’ memories as we support the life of Emmanuel with their most generous gift.
We are stewards of God’s bounty. As caretakers and we are regularly given time, energy and resources. What we do with these gifts ultimately defines the character of our life as a community and individuals. As a church, all bequests we receive, no matter the amount, are appreciated for their generosity and importance to the future of Historic Beckford Parish.
2021 Parish Directory
The 2021 Historic Beckford Parish Directory is available on our website. To access the file, you’ll need to enter a password. Please email Melissa if you need it.
We’re sorry to announce that we’ve had to make the difficult decision to cancel the Annual St. Andrew’s Rummage Sale on Aug. 28. We appreciate all your support. If you have items you cleared out to donate, please considering holding them for a future sale or donating them to SEARCH in Mt. Jackson or the Woodstock Clothes Closet.
Each Wednesday at 12 p.m. at Emmanuel.
We’re in great need of volunteers to assist with ordering, inventory and to help Tillie with volunteer recruitment/scheduling. If you know anyone who may be interested in helping, please have them contact Mother Kathy ASAP.
As Barbara Kirkland says, “As the Body of Christ, our congregation is directed to ‘welcome the stranger, feed the hungry’ and twice a month we do this in Christ’s name asking only, ‘how many are in your family?’ Emmanuel’s Table is a way for us to BE the church, rather than just go to church. When you support us with your time, (sic) you are there with us as the face of Christ in the world.”
Volunteers are needed the Monday and Tuesday of pantry weeks. If you’re able to help, please contact Tillie for more details. The pantry is open in September on the second and fourth Tuesdays, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. (Sept. 14 and 28). If you know of anyone in need of food, please send them over. More info.
Tillie Kaufmann from Emmanuel would like to reminder everyone of the upcoming Shenandoah County Relay for Life event on Sept. 10 at the County Park in Maurertown from 6 to 11:30 p.m. Teams are wearing crazy hats this year and the schedule of events includes Opening Ceremony at 6 p.m., Survivor/Caregiver Walk at 6:30 p.m., Luminaria Ceremony at 9 p.m., along with music and food. Everyone is invited to attend. The Shenandoah County RfL teams have a new fundraiser this year, a county-wide cookbook with recipes from the different teams and individuals. The cookbooks are $10. Please let Tillie know if you if you would like to purchase a book (or more). She is using them as gifts. Also, if you would like to purchase any luminarias (white or gold paper bags with candles inside): white bags $5 each in Memory or Honor of person’s name and gold bags with stars $25 each in Memory or Honor of (person’s name). I will write the information on each luminaria purchased and they’ll be set out at the Luminaria Ceremony. If you would like to support Relay for Life and would prefer to give a monetary donation, please let Tillie know. All checks, whether for luminarias or donation, should be written to “American Cancer Society” with a note that it is for “Relay for Life”. Tillie is happy to come pick up donations. You can contact her at 540-325-2563.
Our prayer list can be found on our website. If you have folks you’d like added to the prayer list, please email their names to Melissa.
You’re welcome to bring your pledge to Sunday service or continue to mail it to the church.
Emmanuel Episcopal 122 E. Court Woodstock VA 22664
St. Andrew’s Episcopal P.O. Box 117 Mt. Jackson, VA 22842
Please see the note about masks above.
Sunday through Thursday, 8 p.m. Compline on Facebook Live and Zoom
8 a.m. Emmanuel
9:15 a.m. St. Andrew’s and Facebook Live (as technology permits)
11:15 a.m. Emmanuel and Facebook Live (as technology permits)
The full bulletin is available on our website prior to the service.
All weekly and Sunday services are available to view on Facebook and our website after the services, when available.