6/10 The Beckford Connection

6/10 The Beckford Connection

As Covid-related infection rates continue to fall in the Commonwealth of Virginia, and Shenandoah County, we have revised guidelines for worship.

As of May 30, the following changes took effect for worship in Beckford Parish. The wearing of masks is optional with the exception of congregational singing (masks are to be worn for congregational singing). Although I am fully vaccinated, I will continue to wear a mask indoors, removing it only while actively leading worship and preaching. I strongly encourage others to do the same as many, including children who aren’t able, haven’t yet been vaccinated.

We continue to administer only bread for Holy Communion and use individual wafers instead of a common loaf or large wafer. For the time being, we are not gathering at the altar rail. I am administering Holy Communion from a ciborium into a communicant’s hands, making sure to sanitize my hands before the beginning of the Eucharistic Prayer and before the administration of the Sacrament. There is no intinction (placing the host on someone’s tongue).

If you are singing, you must be wearing a mask.

Please continue to use every other pew, though social distancing guidelines are now relaxed, and one-way traffic is no longer necessary. 

You no longer need to make a reservation to attend any service. Please come and bring a friend!

We encourage all parishioners to receive a vaccination as they are able. 

Since we can use Prayer Books and Hymnals, we are using our usual bulletin format, but full service bulletins are available online.
These are challenging times, and we appreciate your faithful dedication. Continue to keep the Beckford Parish community and the nation in your prayers as we move forward.

As we begin in-person worship, we need folks who are willing to read. Please email Melissa by this Sunday, June 13, to let her know if you’re willing to read and at which service(s). After that date she’ll be putting together a new schedule.

Our prayer list can be found on our website. If you have folks you’d like added to the prayer list, please email their names to Melissa.

Shrine Mont is holding summer camps this year. While camps are currently full, if you have a child who is interested in attending you can contact Shrine Mont to have them added to the wait list. More info about camps is available on their website. If you have a child attending, please speak with Mother Kathy as scholarships may be available.

As we start in-person worship, you’re welcome to bring your pledge to the service or to continue to mail them.

You can mail current or past month’s pledges directly to the church offices. 
Emmanuel Episcopal 122 E. Court Woodstock VA 22664 
St. Andrew’s Episcopal P.O. Box 117 Mt. Jackson, VA 22842 

Bible study is on summer hiatus until September.

We are in need of folks with trucks who would be able to do pickups at the food bank in Winchester on Mondays before pantry days. 

The pantry is still seeking a volunteers who can devote approximately eight hours a month to taking inventory, ordering and determining what to place in pre-packaged bags. Volunteers are also needed to unload deliveries and pack bags on Mondays.

If you’re interested in helping with either of these needs, or know someone who is, please contact Mother Kathy. 

The pantry is open the second and fourth Tuesdays, next on June 22, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. If you know of anyone experiencing food insecurity, please let them know they’re welcome to come to the pantry. More info is on our website. June 8 the pantry served 42 families/104 people.

Service Information