Posts from December 2022
12/29/22 The Beckford Connection
NEW YEAR’S DAY LESSONS & CAROLS SERVICE 10 a.m. Emmanuel. Please note there are no other services on Sunday. The regular schedule resumes next week. 2022 GIVING TREE As you wrap up your Christmas shopping and donations, please keep in mind our Giving Tree. This year, we’re collecting donations for pet food to help families who come to Emmanuel’s Table Food Pantry and are taking a collection to support Grandparents as Parents (GAP). Our furry friends are an important part…
12/22/22 The Beckford Connection
CHRISTMAS EVE, CHRISTMAS DAY & NEW YEAR’S DAY SERVICES All services stream on Facebook Live. Christmas Eve 5 p.m. Emmanuel 9 p.m. St. Andrew’s Christmas Day 10 a.m. St. Andrew’s New Year’s Day, Lessons & Carols 10 a.m. Emmanuel A CHRISTMAS MESSAGE FROM MOTHER KATHY Friends in Christ, Christmas Greetings! For most of us, the beloved symbols and traditions of this holy season of Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany are at the heart of our Christmas preparations. Without them, it wouldn’t…
12/15/22 The Beckford Connection
DUE SUNDAY: 2022 CHRISTMAS FLOWER DEDICATIONS If you would like to dedicate Christmas flowers to a friend or loved one, please complete the form or email the names and who they are from to Melissa. The form/email needs to be completed and the money given to your church’s treasurer by this Sunday, Dec. 18. The flowers will decorate the sanctuaries on Christmas Eve at St. Andrew’s and Emmanuel. If you have any questions, please speak with Mother Kathy or Melissa. FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT…
12/8/22 The Beckford Connection
EMMANUEL: POTLUCK COFFEE HOUR THIS SUNDAYAfter the 11:15 a.m. service this Sunday, December 11, there is a potluck coffee hour in the parish hall. It will be wonderful to enjoy fellowship with one another. Please bring a savory or sweet dish for approximately 12 people. All are welcome! 2022 CHRISTMAS FLOWER DEDICATIONS: DUE SOON If you would like to dedicate Christmas flowers to a friend or loved one, please complete THIS form or email the names and who they are from to…
12/1/22 The Beckford Connection
2022 GIVING TREE This year, we’re collecting donations for pet food to help families who come to Emmanuel’s Table Food Pantry and are taking a collection to support Grandparents as Parents (GAP). Our furry friends are an important part of our families and those experiencing food insecurity often are struggling to feed their furry family as well. In our area, there are few resources to get pet food, so Emmanuel’s Table has been stepping in to help fill this need.…