2/17/22 The Beckford Connection

2/17/22 The Beckford Connection

Next Wednesday, Feb. 24, there is no Eucharist at Emmanuel. Sunday, Feb. 27, the 8 a.m. service is morning prayer. The usual schedule resumes the following week.

Lent bags contain different symbols of the season and are designed to help individuals and families in practicing Lent at home. 

Lent bags for parishioners will be available to pickup at each of the Sunday, Feb. 27, services. Inside you’ll find a number of items, including pancake mix and applesauce to enjoy a pancake supper on Shove Tuesday. If you’re not able to come to the services, bags will be available for St. Andrew’s folks to pickup any time at St. Andrew’s Monday or Tuesday, Feb. 28 and Mar. 1, and for the Emmanuel folks to pickup at Emmanuel on Monday, Feb. 28, 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Lent, Holy Week and Easter service time information and additional resources are available on our website. More info is coming soon.

Ash Wednesday services are at 12 p.m. at St. Andrew’s and 7 p.m. at Emmanuel. Both will stream live on Facebook.

Every Monday during Lent at 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. (March 7, 14, 28; April 4, 11) we’re meeting via Zoom for a study of the book Reclaiming Rural: Building Thriving Rural Congregations by Allen T. Stanton. During Lent, we will focus on this book a foundation to living Lent as Easter people, and how we are always alive in Christ, who died and was raised from the dead.

The book describes how by establishing a rural identity, leaders build a meaningful and vital ministry. As rural America continues to undergo massive economic and demographic shifts, rural churches are uniquely positioned to provide community leadership. Leading a rural congregation requires a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing these communities, as well as a strong theological and community-focused identity.

Folks need to purchase a copy of the book to participate. Mother Kathy has 10 books she purchased personally that folks may buy from her at cost ($25). Or, you’re welcome to purchase one directly from Amazon.

Mother Kathy would like to gauge how many folks plan to attend, so if you’re thinking of joining in please let her know.

Bishop Taylor is holding a lent class throughout Lent on Wednesdays at 3 p.m. and Thursdays at 1:30 via Zoom. If you’re interested, please sign up ASAP by emailing Anita Lisk, the Bishop’s executive assistant, to let her know which session you’d like to register for. She will provide the Zoom link once you’re signed up. There is no cost, but there are suggested texts to purchase: Hearing God in Poetry: 50 Poems for Lent and Easter by Richard Harris (suggested) and Lent by Evelyn Underhill.

The class as described by Bishop Taylor: “Lent is less a season to observe and more a walk to walk. As the days get longer and the light more accessible, so are we invited to cast aside all that gets between us and resurrection. One theologian commented, “Everything that happens to Christ happens to us.” In that sense, the Bible is a road map for us to follow indicating the terrain of our journey with Christ and in Christ and to Christ.  

Therefore, these sessions are intended to help us discover how we can consciously walk the way of Lent. Each week we will focus on one of the readings from the Lenten lectionary for the upcoming Sunday. However, our intent is to discover how we are invited to live this Lenten journey in our own lives. This is not a Bible study; this is a community sharing how they have walked and are walking the Lenten pilgrimage by engaging a particular theme embedded in the scripture lesson for that Sunday. The structure will be my giving a short talk about the theme of each week often using poetry and then modelling what I will ask you to do by telling a story of my own life that connects with the theme. Then we will go into small breakout groups for people to share their stories and lastly have a plenary.”

The Woodstock Ministerium is holding their annual Community Lenten Services again this year. They’ll be every Tuesday at 12 p.m. at WUMC starting March 8. Mother Kathy leads the March 29 service. There is no luncheon after the services this year.

We want to update the directory for 2022. Please email any updates to Melissa by Mon., March 21.

The directory is available on our website. To access the file, you’ll need a password so please email Melissa for it. (You don’t have to sign up for a DropBox account to access the file. If a window pops up asking if you want to sign up for one, you can close that out to continue to the file.)

Camps for children ages 8 and up at Shrine Mont for summer 2022 are open for registration. If you know of a child who would benefit from these camps, we encourage you to explore the options. From art to sports to exploring the great outdoors, this year’s camps will include both new activities as well as beloved camp programs and traditions. And with two sessions of Family Camp, there’s something for everyone. Spots are filling up fast, but there are still a few openings left! Visit www.shrinemontcamps.net for dates, rates, and programs. Scholarships are available so please do not let cost be a deciding factor. Please speak with Mother Kathy if you have questions.

The Bible study group with the Episcopal churches in our region has started after summer break. It is from 7 to 8 p.m. online via Zoom. every Wednesday. You’re welcome to attend even if you haven’t before or if you miss a few weeks. You can jump in any Wednesday without any problem. If you have any questions, please let Mother Kathy know.

Our prayer list can be found on our website. If you have folks you’d like added to the prayer list, please email their names to Melissa.


Please see our website for the current information.

Sunday through Thursday, 8 p.m. Compline on Facebook Live and Zoom 

12 p.m. at Emmanuel

8 a.m. Emmanuel (Morning Prayer Feb. 27)
9:15 a.m. St. Andrew’s and Facebook Live (as technology permits)
11:15 a.m. Emmanuel and Facebook Live (as technology permits)
The full bulletin is available on our website.

All weekly and Sunday services are available to view on Facebook and our website after the services, when available.