EMMANUEL: POTLUCK COFFEE HOUR THIS SUNDAYAfter the 11:15 a.m. service this Sunday, December 11, there is a potluck coffee hour in the parish hall. It will be wonderful to enjoy fellowship with one another. Please bring a savory or sweet dish for approximately 12 people. All are welcome!
If you would like to dedicate Christmas flowers to a friend or loved one, please complete THIS form or email the names and who they are from to Melissa HERE. The form/email needs to be completed and the money given to your church’s treasurer by Sunday, Dec. 18.
The flowers will decorate the sanctuaries on Christmas Eve at St. Andrew’s and Emmanuel. If you have any questions, please speak with Mother Kathy or Melissa.
This year, we’re collecting donations for pet food to help families who come to Emmanuel’s Table Food Pantry and are taking a collection to support Grandparents as Parents (GAP).
Our furry friends are an important part of our families and those experiencing food insecurity often are struggling to feed their furry family as well. In our area, there are few resources to get pet food, so Emmanuel’s Table has been stepping in to help fill this need.
GAP, a ministry led by Shelia Helsley, is a vital group in ShenCo serving the grandparents serving as parents. These grandparents have been unexpectedly called upon to step up to fill the role of parent to their grandchildren, so appreciate the help GAP provides in offering support in the form of community, education, food, clothing, and more. This Christmas, the GAP families are receiving a Christmas box to help make their Christmas brighter (and ensure there’s something under the tree for everyone).
We’re asking that folks send monetary donations, made out to Emmanuel Episcopal Church, and noting that it is for Giving Tree to 122 E. Court St., Woodstock, VA 22664. Or, you can pick items (including gift cards) from THIS AMAZON WISH LIST and have them mailed directly to the church.
Please feel free to share this with friends and family who are looking for ways to give back this holiday season. We’ll be taking donations through the end of January, with monetary donations divided evenly between both groups.
Beckford Parish will undertake an Advent book discussion on Henri Nouwen’s book, Turn My Mourning into Dancing: Finding Hope in Hard Times.
How do we find hope in hard times? Nouwen guides us towards the kind of life we can dance to—even through the darkest night.
December 13, 20 – 10 a.m., Saint Andrew’s
December 14, 21 – 5 p.m., Emmanuel
You can come to any of these sessions that you like. Mother Kathy has books available Sundays at church.
Here is the 2022 Advent and Christmas Reflections Devotional for your enjoyment. It’s available as a PDF HERE.
All services stream on Facebook Live.
Christmas Eve
5 p.m. Emmanuel
9 p.m. St. Andrew’s
Christmas Day
10 a.m. St. Andrew’s
New Year’s Day, Lessons & Carols
10 a.m. Emmanuel
If you have COVID tests you don’t plan to use or that are expiring soon, The Rev. Marian Windel is collecting them for a community outreach project to help those who may not otherwise have access to tests. Please give them to Mother Kathy if you’d like to contribute.
The Woodstock Ministerial Alliance is once again offering Advent Community Services. These services are held at Emanuel Lutheran Church, 127 E. High Street, Woodstock, VA. The next dates are December 14 and 21. This is a simple lunch at 12 p.m., followed by a brief service at 12:30 p.m. The Wednesday Healing Eucharist at Emmanuel is suspended through Advent as we’ll be at the community service.
Join in fellowship with our Episcopal neighbors here in the Southern Shenandoah Region for a Bible study focusing on the upcoming Sunday’s Gospel reading. The Bible study is held Thursdays at 7 p.m. on Zoom (click HERE to join). Everyone is welcome!
Emmanuel’s Table is open every second and fourth Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. The next dates are Dec. 13 and 27. We always welcome folks to help unload deliveries and pack and distribute food. A huge thanks to all those who have stepped in to help coordinate the food pantry to make sure we can keep feeding our neighbors who experience food insecurity.
One of the greatest gifts we have to offer each other as a parish family is our prayers for ourselves, our families, and our loved ones. You’re invited to sit with your parish directory and, each day, lift up a section or page of names a day. Let’s continuously hold each other in prayer. Let us pray: God of grace and comfort, enfold our parish members, family, and friends with your mercy. Strengthen each one with a shield of faith and enable them to accept what is to come, heal them and bear their pain, keep them in peace, and fix their hearts on you through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.
Our prayer list can be found on our website. If you have folks you’d like added to the prayer list, please email their names to email Melissa.
Sunday through Thursday, 8 p.m. Compline on Facebook Live and Zoom
Suspended through advent as we’ll be at the Community Advent Service. Info above.
8 a.m. Emmanuel
9:15 a.m. St. Andrew’s and Facebook Live
11:15 a.m. Emmanuel and Facebook Live
The full bulletin is available on our website.
All weekly and Sunday services are available to view on Facebook and our website after the services, when available.