The annual Giving Tree is a bit different this year to accommodate safety precautions and challenges that Covid presents. With how hard this year has been, there are many families who need support in making sure the children have something under the Christmas tree to bring a smile to their faces.
Instead of collecting specific gifts, we’re asking for anyone who would like to participate to send a monetary donation to Emmanuel (122 E. Court St., Woodstock VA 22644) with a note that it is for the Giving Tree. Please send all donations by Dec. 1. That way we’ll have time to determine how many children we’re able to help this year, Melissa can purchase the gifts (shipping for online purchases is likely to be delayed) and we can get the gifts to the families. We’re asking for the families to provide a list of items the kids need and want so that we can make their Christmas a bit brighter.
Once we know which children are receiving gifts, we’ll share details about each (keeping in mind privacy needs, of course).
The new reader schedule for November through January is now available here on our website. We are in need of a volunteer to read for Christmas Eve (thank you to Katherine Morrison for volunteering to be the Christmas reader). If you would like to read for one of these special services, let Mother Kathy or Melissa know.
Please be aware that the schedule is subject to edits if the virtual services are changed.
Every Wednesday, the Episcopal churches in our region have an online Bible study from 7 to 8 p.m. You can join online via Zoom. The group is meeting through the month of November. If you haven’t been able to attend, no problem! You’re welcome to jump in any Wednesday you’re available. If you have any question, please let Mother Kathy know.
With the challenges this year has presented, your pledges are appreciated more than we can express. You can mail current or past month’s pledges directly to the church offices. Without your generous support, we wouldn’t be able to keep the churches operating and be able to help those in need in our community.
Emmanuel Episcopal 122 E. Court Woodstock VA 22664
St. Andrew’s Episcopal P.O. Box 117 Mt. Jackson, VA 22842
The Columbarium has arrived. More info is coming soon!
If you’d like to meet in person with Mother Kathy, please email her. She will set up a time to meet with you, social distancing, at her office at St. Andrew’s.
Our Annual Diocesan Convention, originally scheduled for November 12-14 at the Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, is moving online. Anticipating that it will not be safe or wise to gather more than 600 people in a hotel ballroom across three days this fall, there will be a one-day virtual convention instead on Saturday, November 14.
In November, the virtual offices are closed Wednesday, Nov. 11, for Veteran’s Day and Thursday, Nov. 26, for Thanksgiving.
Due to the need for continued caution, we both continue to work from home. If you have a question, concerns or would like to check in with them, please email. Also, please do call Mother Kathy on her cell (we know it says for emergencies, but during this time it’s the best way to reach her. The number is in the directory).
Mother Kathy generally observes the Sabbath on Friday and Saturday while Melissa is off Thursday after 1:30 p.m., Friday, Saturday and Sunday. While we may not reply immediately, we absolutely will get back to you.
The prayer list can be found on our website. If you have any names to add or remove, please email Melissa. (
Sunday’s service is at 10:15 a.m. live on Zoom and Facebook Live followed by Coffee Hour on Zoom. (Click the Zoom link to join, the password is embedded. For Facebook Live, click the link to be taken to our Facebook page to view the live stream.) Our Zoom usher is letting people into the service starting at about 9:45 a.m. until 10:20 a.m. You’ll still be able to watch on Facebook Live after that time if you’re running late.
Mondays, 9 a.m. Morning prayer on Facebook Live and Zoom
Wednesdays, 5:30 p.m. Evening prayer on Facebook Live and Zoom
Fridays, 8 p.m. Bedtime story with Mother Kathy, followed by Compline Facebook Live
Sunday through Thursday, 8 p.m. Compline on Facebook Live and Zoom (note the earlier time)
All weekly and Sunday services are available to view on Facebook and our website after the services.